Ever So Original Prints

Experience Our Adventures

“Elias & Ajahni journeyed to different corners of the globe. They brought back infinite stories and photos.”


“I did a filmmaker fellowship for three weeks in Madagascar, and it was nothing short of life-changing. The land, the animals, and the culture left me hungry for more time in the country, and in Africa as a whole. The Malagasy people made an imprint on my heart.

Everyone we spoke to encouraged us to share what we saw with people back home. And so, I share these photographs as a small token to the Malagasy. Bring a piece of their home into yours.

10% of money made through print sales will be donated to Malagasy humanitarian organizations. If you would rather donate directly, you can do so here.

I want to be very clear about the portraits I am selling. I do not intend to exploit black bodies for profit. Rather, let these photos live in your home as a reminder of their gaze. These are real people, and they deserve to be seen. To anyone who has questions about a specific photo, I am more than happy to share as much information as possible.”

- Elias Stevens

 New Zealand

“Studying Abroad in Aotearoa New Zealand is one of the best decisions I’ve ever made. The people, the land, the culture, and the experience have all become an integral part of my personal journey for growth and I will never forget my time in the land of the long white cloud.

I can only hope the images I was able to capture are half as representative of the breathtaking beauty that I was lucky enough to witness first-hand. ”

- Ajahni Jackson

Ko te pae tawhiti, whāia kia tata Ko te pae tata, whakmaua kia tina.

Seek out distant horizons, and cherish those you attain.

Aza mihevitra ny tenanao ho miafina ao amin'ny lohasaha mangina, fa Andriamanitra no ambony.

Don’t think yourself hidden in the silent valley, for God is overhead.




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